UUCL Pledge/Contribution for 2024-2025

The amount you indicate to pledge/contribute is for planning purposes for our budget starting July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025. Thank you!
No matter how you choose to give, the contributions will be recorded in our software system Breeze.  Many people choose to automate their giving directly with Breeze and that must be set by the user.  You can have your contribution withdrawn from your bank account as a one time payment or on a recurring frequency schedule.  If you are making a one time payment by check, please indicates which pledge year it is for.  Whether you choose automatic payment with Breeze or another fulfillment method, please let us know the frequency:
Please select one option.
*Unfortunately, Breeze currently does not allow for quarterly withdrawals.  You will also have the option to cover the transaction costs if you choose Breeze.
Please select all that apply.
If you would like assistance in setting up Breeze for automatic withdrawals from your bank, please email finance@uuclks.org.  Please note that the user is responsible for starting and stopping any automated payments through Breeze, but we are happy to help you through the process.


The amount you indicate to pledge/contribute is for planning purposes for our budget starting July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025. Thank you!